Ihre Suche nach 2018 ergab 869 Treffer

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 8/9

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 8/9

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

48 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 14:55 | Länge 00:08:46

Medium 2 bitcoin 7.00 00 02 23.standbild001
2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 7/9

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 7/9

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

32 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 14:54 | Länge 00:11:20

Medium 2 bitcoin 6.00 00 03 17.standbild001
2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 5/9

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 5/9

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

77 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 14:53 | Länge 00:06:54

Medium 2 bitcoin 4.00 00 02 04.standbild001
2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 4/9

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 4/9

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

97 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 14:52 | Länge 00:18:20

Medium 2 bitcoin 3.00 00 02 10.standbild001
2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 3/9

2 - Introduction into Bitcoin 3/9

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

77 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 14:50 | Länge 00:14:11

Medium 2 bitcoin 2.00 00 04 11.standbild001
Nachrichten für Kinder - Logo

Nachrichten für Kinder - Logo

Hamburg Open Online University

242 Hits | 0 Votes

15.11.2018 13:33 | Länge 00:02:42

Still medium logo  constanze kno chel 3
SciFi Visions - Social Credit Systeme

SciFi Visions - Social Credit Systeme

Hamburg Open Online University

91 Hits | 0 Votes

14.11.2018 17:50 | Länge 00:04:22

Medium scifi visions social credit systeme.00 00 17 15.standbild001
Constructive Alignment

Constructive Alignment

e-teaching.org Video-Podcast
Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien

107 Hits | 0 Votes

14.11.2018 17:10 | Länge 01:08:01

Still medium 2018 learning e learning nacken constructive alignment
Projektvideo - Gender- und Diversitybewusste Mediengestaltung

Projektvideo - Gender- und Diversitybewusste Mediengestaltung

Hamburg Open Online University

122 Hits | 0 Votes

14.11.2018 14:48 | Länge 00:01:24

Medium 01 vorschaubild
Nachrichten für Kinder - Kindersache.de

Nachrichten für Kinder - Kindersache.de

Hamburg Open Online University

211 Hits | 0 Votes

13.11.2018 16:52 | Länge 00:02:43

Still medium kindersache addon
Nachrichten für Kinder - Erklärvideo Medienökonomie

Nachrichten für Kinder - Erklärvideo Medienökonomie

Hamburg Open Online University

340 Hits | 1 Vote

13.11.2018 16:33 | Länge 00:05:22

Still medium erkla rvideo medieno konomie
3a - Introduction into Crytptography 5/5

3a - Introduction into Crytptography 5/5

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hamburg Open Online University

27 Hits | 0 Votes

13.11.2018 16:09 | Länge 00:07:34

Medium 3 cryptography 5.00 00 03 11.standbild001